Marco Clemente Nanci

Software Engineer

About me

Enthusiastic Programmer eager to contribute to team success through hard work, attention to detail and excellent organizational skills. Clear understanding of a variety of programming languages. Motivated to learn, grow and excel in the software industry.

Age 27
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Professional Skills

Professional Skills

Working experiences

Full stack developer at RGI S.P.A
September, 2021 - Current

My role at the RGI is managing a variety of software solving bugs and implementing new features for clients both at frontend and backend level.

Private Lesson Teacher at Politecnico of Turin
January, 2018 - April, 2021

I worked as a private teacher for students at my university as well as teachers' assistant to help students during laboratories. My role was to help students on solving a laboratory task or to give them repetetions on some of the topics that were possible to find during the final test.


Maters in Computer Science at Politecnico of Turin
2018 - 2021 (105/110)

The objective of this course is to share relevant skills that that are possible to spend to work in the industry production areas as well in the service to citizens and firms ones. The main goal of this course is to give a deep knowledge on the following subjects:

  • Hardware
  • Operating systems
  • Networking
  • Cybersecurity
  • Database management
  • Methodologies to produce and mantain software
  • Distributed systems
Bachelor in Management Engeneering at Politecnico of Turin
2013 - 2018 (80/110)

Course focused on the ICT management with a particular attention to the information systems technologies that support a company in its main activities, like planning and controlling of of the production and the logistic flows. The main topics of this course are:

  • Mathematical analysis
  • Introduction to some programming languages
  • Logistic

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